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CVP Education Festival comes to Cooke London

By: The Cooke Team  |   2 Lesezeit

Cooke Optics are proud to partner with CVP for the Educational Festival. Now in its second year this three-day festival features creative and technical workshops as well as hands-on demonstrations of the latest developments in film production technologies.

At Cooke we’re pleased to be hosting five daily seminars in our test space as well as supporting friendly networking opportunities in our inspirational gallery space which eulogises the role of the cinematographer.

Implementing an On-set Hybrid SDR/HDR Colour Managed Workflow
Led by Kevin Shaw CSI this hands-on session explores the decision-making process around selecting displays and provides insights into managing HDR signals to ensure accurate image monitoring on set to enable cinematographers and DITs to make informed decisions during production. Demonstrated live will be the advantages of adopting a hybrid SDR/HDR workflow which offers a cost-effective and practical solution for productions of all scales.

Lens Coverage & Camera Comparison
Many will already be familiar with CVP’s invaluable lens coverage tool developed by Sam Measure. If you’ve ever asked “will this lens work with that sensor?” this session is for you with a demonstration of the tool to check lens coverage and compare different camera formats.

CVP Education Festival at Cooke

From Pocket to Pro: The Sony Cinema Line
Cinematographer Alister Chapman offers a deep dive into Sony’s latest cinema line cameras. Exploring unique use cases of each model in this lineup he’ll demonstrate how they may best fit into your production needs. They’ll be plenty of hands-on time with the different camera setups.

Anamorphic Cinematography – Expanding the Canvas Using Cooke Lenses
Lead by cinematographer Kit Mackenzie, this session begins with lens fundamentals and leads onto a discussion of the anamorphic format including its history and the allure around it. From squeeze factors to the dreaded “mumps” much will be explored, and a live demonstration of Cooke’s anamorphic offering helps cement the knowledge imparted.

CVP Education Festival at Cooke


No Silly Questions Camera Training (Tuesday and Wednesday only)
Cara Bowen offers a safe space to talk about any subject in filmmaking that you feel wasn’t covered anywhere else. This collaborative session is aimed at all abilities, particularly more junior roles, and those wanting to know more about cameras. Ask any question and work with Cara and your fellow participants to discover the answer.

To view the timetable and sign up to attend please visit:

Thursday November 7 timetable: