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A choreography driven, fashion filled, music promo for Fleur East's track 'Mind'.
“A choreography driven, fashion filled, music promo for Fleur East's track 'Mind'.”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: S7/i
Focus length: 32mm, 50mm, 75mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Camera: ARRI Alexa LF
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Video Europe https://videoeurope.co.uk/
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Scott Peters http://madebyscottpeters.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scottpeters/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/scottpeters
Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottrpeters
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottrpeters/
Production Information
Production: Fleur East – Mind
Director: Scott Peters
Colourist: Tim Smith
Post Production Company: Cheat https://www.cheatit.co/
DOP Scott Peters on his camera and lens choices
“This was shot Open Gate Full Frame with no additional cropping in post. As a DOP I like longer focal lengths, always have, anything south of 25mm has always jarred with me, and even 25mm is pushing it. Even though our location was far from cramped, it still had it’s limitations and I needed the space in the frame in order to capture the full beauty of the choreography otherwise all the choreographer and dancers’ hard work would have gone to waste. I also felt it complemented the tracks 90s RnB vibe, so it was nice to bring it back to the familiar 4:3 ratio of that era.
I was directing this one as well, the artist and label were on board with what ever I wanted to do, so I jumped at the chance to shoot full frame open gate on the Alexa LF with the S7i’s.”