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Commercial, Financial

SPD Bank featuring James Harden

30 second commercial for SPD Bank featuring the NBA MVP - James Harden.

“30 second commercial for SPD Bank featuring the NBA MVP - James Harden. Directed by Michael Barnet and DP'ed by Chris Westlund.”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i SF Primes
Focus Lengths: 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.35
Cameras: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Freestyle Filmworks

DOP Information
Director of Photography:  Chris Westlund
Agent: Superfilms Media

Production Information
Production: Commercial for SPD Bank featuring the NBA MVP – James Harden
Producer: Elisa Morse
Director: Michael Barnett
Colourist: Robert Crosby
Post Production Company: Neptune Post
Production Company: SuperFilms!

DOP Chris Westlund on his camera and lens choices:
“Even from the beginning stages of prep we knew we wanted to shoot anamorphic for a cinematic, larger than life feel to match the NBA icon, James Harden. We also knew that our location had very little natural light, which meant we would have to shoot wide open for sequences that called for high frame rates, fast shutter speeds, and quick movement on the court. While I tend to favor vintage glass over newer, clinical looking lenses, most vintage anamorphic lenses tend to muddy the image and fall apart when put under these conditions.

Cooke Anamorphic/i Special Flares were the clear-cut decision. They carry the perfect balance between modern contrast and sharpness with the organic flavor of vintage, anamorphic character. We employed a full set of primes to go along with our faithful Alexa Mini and have been deeply pleased with the results.