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Man just like time - has the beginning and the end.
“Man just like time - has the beginning and the end. Like a clock ticks through life, runs late and stops, the minute hand one way and second hand another. To understand time man must understand himself.”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i 2x
Focus lengths: 25mm, 32mm, 75mm, 100mm
Non Cooke lens: Zeiss Super Speed 24mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Los Angeles Camera Rentals via Sharegrid https://www.losangelescamerarentals.com/
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Ben J Grant http://www.bengrantdop.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjgrant/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/bengrant
Production Information
Production: Time
Director and Producer: Mykhailo Dolgin https://www.instagram.com/mikedolgin/
Colourist: Arianna Shining http://ww.ariannashiningstar.com
Post Production Company: Focus Media Co http://www.focusmediavp.com
DOP Ben J Grant on his camera and lens choices:
“When Mike approached me to do this spot and I saw the treatment, I knew I was going to need a set of lenses that had the ability to give personality to the image, while still being able to retain the quality required for shooting cars. We needed a set of sharp enough lenses with minimal warping, while still giving us the anamorphic feel. We both agreed Cooke Anamorphics were the way to go. The classic “Cooke look” paired with the Alexa sensor never fails to capture excellent skin tones. Cooke anamorphics are the perfect blend of that look while giving us that focus fall off I love. Our hero was the 75mm, as it provided us with the best blend of fall off and horizontal field of view I wanted for the project.”.