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We Are Lady Parts is an anarchic and irreverent music comedy following a Muslim female punk band – called Lady Parts.
“On some lenses that blur of the image feels very "technical" or one could say digital, but the Cookes make the look and feel very picturesque, artistic and sophisticated.”Diana Olifirova, DOP
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/I 2x
Focus lengths: 32, 40, 50, 75, 100, 135
Other lenses: Anamorphic/i Zoom 2x 40-200mm
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental company: ARRI Rental https://www.arrirental.com
Director of Photography: Diana Olifirova. www.dianaolifirova.com
Agent: United Agents https://www.unitedagents.co.uk/diana-olifirova
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dianaolifirovadop/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/dianaolifirova
Production Information
Production: We are Lady Parts
Director: Nida Manzoor
Producers: John Pocock
Colourist: Toby Tomkins
Production Company: Working Title TV
Post Production Company: Cheat cheatit.co
Awards: 6 nominations for BAFTA
DOP Diana Olifirova on the lens of her choice:
“I really like Cooke lenses for their character and how they shape the image.
I chose Cooke Anamorphics to shoot the series and on this occasion it was all going to be about transmitting the characters’ personalities.
I always find it hard to explain to anyone about the choice of lens, for me it is an incredibly emotional choice. I feel like these lenses paint the background, the blurriness of them makes it feel like a painting, so it doesn’t really distract you from what is sharp and important in the scene.
I like to play with the blurriness of the image the lenses deliver, and I like to play with every single part of the image, but I’d like it to be slightly more obscure and to have slightly less clarity on the top, the bottom and sides of the image. The attention point I want to bring the audience to is inside the shot rather than on the edges.”
On some lenses that blur of the image feels very „technical“ or one could say digital, but the Cookes make the look and feel very picturesque, artistic and sophisticated.