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We interviewed master cinematographer Michael Chapman at CamerImage 2016.
“We interviewed master cinematographer Michael Chapman at CamerImage 2016. The veteran is best known for his camerawork on The Godfather and Jaws, and as the cinematographer of the groundbreaking Scorsese classics Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. In this episode, he explains the importance of why cinematography is needs to reflect the story and why images are powerful. — Website https://cookeoptics.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/cookeoptics Twitter http://www.twitter.com/cooke_optics Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/2831810/ Instagram http://www.instagram.com/cookeoptics — Liberty Films (II) (presents) Charles Chaplin Productions De Laurentiis Entertainment Group (DEG) (presents) Hero Entertainment (presents) Muse Productions (as Muse) Stone Canyon Entertainment (as Stone Canyon) Revolution Films (as Revolution) Curiously Bright Entertainment (in association with) Indion Entertainment Group BOB Film Sweden AB Film i Väst — Cooke Optics TV www.cookeoptics.tv Thank you to the British Society of Cinematographers (BSC) and CamerImage. http://www.bscine.com/ || http://www.camerimage.pl/ Filmed with a Sony a7s and Cooke Mini S4/i Lenses. Produced by ImageNova. http://www.imagenova.co.uk. Email contact@imagenova.co.uk for enquires or leave a comment!”