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We interviewed Cinematographer Michael Seresin, best known for his work on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...
“We interviewed Cinematographer Michael Seresin, best known for his work on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Jungle book and many more. In this episode we asked him various questions about cinematography on his own projects. — Website https://cookeoptics.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/cookeoptics Twitter http://www.twitter.com/cooke_optics Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/… Instagram http://www.instagram.com/cookeoptics — Cooke Optics TV www.cookeoptics.tv Thank you to the British Society of Cinematographers (BSC). http://www.bscine.com/ Filmed with a Sony FS5 and Cooke Mini S4/i Lenses. Produced by ImageNova. http://www.imagenova.co.uk. Email contact@imagenova.co.uk for enquires or leave a comment!”