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Despite its use in the photography world this lens was designed with Cinematographers in mind, called the KINIC, it was the first cine lens made by TT&H. It appeared in a Cooke lens catalogue c.1921 and was offered in focal lengths: 40, 51, 58, 76, 90, 102 and 127mm to cover “M.P. film” format. By 1924, it was offered only in 41, 50, 57 and 76mm focal lengths, this time for “Cine” format.
Three lens anastigmat. Based on Cooke Triplet design; patent by H. Dennis Taylor, 1893. Improvement in original design, by Horace W. Lee, TT&H, 1919. British Patent no. 155640, 22 December 1920.
“In the production of this series, attention has been concentrated upon the actual angle of view required by the producers of Cinema films. The design embodies a development of the Cooke formula, made possible by the latest types of optical glass. The result is a perfectly flat field of sharp definition at full aperture, extending to the corners of the standard Cinema film, and producing brilliant negatives which invite any degree of enlargement on the screen. Taylor-Hobson Cinema Lenses have a world-wide reputation among Cinema producers. They were selected in preference to all others for use during both of the Shackleton Polar Expeditions, and amply justified their selection.”
All of the official film pictures of the visit of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales to India and Burma were taken with Series I, f/3.1 Cooke Cinema Lenses fitted to Cinchro Cameras, made by Cinechrome Instruments Ltd.” (1922).