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Cinemex-Casa de Arte

A film that becomes a commercial for a Mexican cinema

“A film that becomes a commercial for a Mexican cinema”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: miniS4/i
Focus lengths: 18mm, 25mm, 32mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 2K Ana.: 2560 x 2145
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: EFD International

DOP Information
Director of Photography: Iván Hernández AMC

Production Information
Production: Cinemex-Casa de Arte
Producer: Anaïs Flores
Director: Sam Giorgi
Colourist: Fernando Medellín
Production Company: Garage Films
Post Production Company: Oxido

DOP Iván Hernández AMC on their camera and lens choice:
“This piece seeks to emulate an environment similar to any European urban park during the autumn season, and thus create an appearance of the author’s cinema, which is exhibited in this type of halls in Mexico City. This advertisement was filmed in the last days of autumn and was mainly captured with natural light except for a couple planes where we work with warm lights to emphasize the color and flash of the sun at sunset.I chose to use the Cooke mini S4/i lenses and Alexa Mini for this work to create a combination that highlights the colors, subtlety and softness of the light.”