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A new boy is coming to school this morning!
“A new boy is coming to school this morning! This shot is a very long shot with the Ronin R2. It was initially a long single take finally edited for rhythmic purposes. Super 35 - 40 mm - 50 fps”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Panchro/i Classic
Focus Length: 40mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.00:1
Cameras: Sony Venice Camera
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Next Shot http://www.nextshot.com/
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Xavier Dolleans http://www.xavierdolleans.com
Agent: Driven by Creatives https://www.drivenbycreatives.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xavierdolleans/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/xavierdolleans
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XavierDolleans
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xavier-doll%C3%A9ans-380ab911/
Production Information
Production: GTV Skam France
Director: David Hourrègue
Colourist: Jean-Marie Blezo
Post Production Company: HighFun http://www.highfun.com
DOP Xavier Dolleans on his camera and lens choices:
“I had the opportunity to test the Sony Venice early in 2018.
Great camera, great resolution.
I knew it would be perfect with vintage/soft lenses.
Firstly, I thought Cooke Vintage Speed Panchro could be a good idea, but they are not very well suited to shoot on a tv series, where the shooting rhythm is intense. It could be a nightmare to accessorise and then to color match. It would get worse if you need two sets !
Thanks to Nextshot, the rental company I worked with, I did a couple of tests with different sets; among them the New Panchro/i Classics and they were the perfect match!
Softer than S4 with more artifacts, great character. Perfect for close-up.
Optically, they gave me a good control: softness when wide open and a bit less (but still a lot) once at T2.8. We had a lot of different young faces on this show and I shot wide open at T2.2 to soften the skin a bit.
Unlike the Vintage Cooke Speed Panchro, the New Panchro/i Classics offers a perfect color match between focal lengths. I like the little artefacts you can see on the edges of the pictures when wide open, the flares are great too, white, but not too apparent and easily manageable on set.
Regarding the form factor, they looked like the Cooke S4, so great for camera assistants and accessorisation. They are far more lightweight than the S4, so perfect for this tv series that we shot mainly handheld and sometimes on a gimbal at the very fast pace of 15 mins a day.
We used the Venice sensor in Super 35 4k most of the time. Some shots were 6k full frame thanks to the fact that the Cooke Panchro/i Classics covers the full frame sensor from the 50 to the 100mm (little vignetting on the 50mm but still good)
Venice + New Panchro/i Classics = Great couple !”