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Peaky Blinders series 5

Opening scene from episode two of the new season of Peaky Blinders series 5.

“Opening scene from episode two of the new season of Peaky Blinders series 5.”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i
Focus lengths: 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 65mm MACRO, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2:1
Camera: Red Monstro
Format: Digital
Rental Company:  Picture Canning

DOP Information
Director of Photography:  Si Bell

Production Information
Production: Peaky Blinders series 5
Producer: Annie Harrison Baxter
Director: Anthony Byrne
Colourist: Paul Staples
Production Company: Caryn Mandabach/ Tiger Aspect
Post Production Company:  Deluxe
Distributer: BBC/Netflix

The drama has received universal acclaim, including for Series 4 the BAFTA award for Best Drama Series (this and previous series shot on Cooke S4/i lenses)

DOP Si Bell on his lens choice:
“ We wanted to shoot anamorphic and give the series a fresh look. We loved the look of the cooke anamorphic and with the 65mm macro they gave us the creative freedom and the cinematic look to take the series to the next level.”