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Snack Attack: Pokémon Legends Arceus

"Snack Attack" is a parody of cooking competition reality shows where a Pokemon puppet disrupts the final challenge

““The way Cooke renders skin tones and rolls the highlights, top light looks more pleasing.””Rob Ruscher, DOP

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series:  S4/i
Focus lengths: 18mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: The Camera Dept

Director of Photography: Rob Ruscher

Production Information
Production: Dessert before Dinner
Director: Andy Kelemen

DOP Rob Ruscher on his lens choice:
“We chose the Cooke S4s for multiple reasons including size and build. Our team had a new spot to shoot each day for 5 days. We didn’t have the resources to get new lenses for each day so I needed something that gave us a beautiful baseline look to start with and use filters to change the look for each spot even with the same camera package. Lighting was also altered to match the look we were going for – height of key light and diffusion specifically. We had soft top light to replicate the cooking show feel, and allow us to quickly tackle all the scenes in a day. The way Cooke renders skin tones and rolls the highlights, top light looks more pleasing. I added Black Promist to help soften the skin tone and bloom the background. Since we were replicating a TV show, I couldn’t shoot wide open but still wanted our chef to pop from the background. Along with the skin tones, I really like how the reds and blues turned out. The size of the lens allowed us to quickly swap while also not needing any mattebox adapters. Sounds like a small thing but those little adjustments and snags add up, especially over a week.”