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Our protagonist takes us on a mind bending tour of possibility and perspective illusion.
“Our protagonist takes us on a mind bending tour of possibility and perspective illusion. When your company is facing a complex, ever-evolving challenge, the odds can sometimes seem daunting. You need a professional services firm that can only see possible.”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: S7/i
Original Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Camera: Alexa LF
Format: Digital
Rental Company: R3 Film Rental http://www.r3filmrental.com
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Matthew J. Smith http://www.mjsmithdop.com
Agent: WPA http://wp-a.co.uk Fashion and Beauty KO Represents https://ko-represents.com/home
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjsmithdop/
Production Information
Production: Deloitte – Only See Possible
Producers: Peter Repplier / Mike Capon
Directors: Mathery & Bob Partington
Colourist: Seth Ricart
Production Company: 1st Ave Machine https://1stavemachine.com
DOP Matthew J. Smith on his lens choice:
“ When this project first came to me it was clear from the outset what the look had to be, I wanted to take a clean and modern digital image and mix the beautiful Cooke rendering I knew so well from the s4s with the larger format Alexa LF to get something both cinematic and human. I had previously used the s7is on a Beauty commercial for Rimmel and was impressed with how faithfully they retained that Cooke magic. Colour was a really important part of the design brief and knowing that the Cooke / Alexa combination would give me a faithful representation with minimal aberrations or natural distortion was a real point of confidence. These lenses are really solid, they offer something less clinical whilst retaining a modern optical quality that you can trust to not let you down.”
Watch the Behind the Scenes Video here: http://bit.ly/2ZPlZ01