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“A tribute to Photography by recreating Icon images throughout history by Leica”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Cooke Vintage rehoused Speed Panchro S2 – S3
Focus lengths: 25mm, 40mm & 75mm
Camera: Alexa M and Alexa plus
Original Aspect Ratio: 1:67
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Musitelli http://musitelli.com
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Bjorn Charpentier SBC http://www.bjorncharpentier.be
Instagram http://www.instagram.com/bjorn_charpentier
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user4471994
Agent: WPA http://WP-A.co.uk
Production Information
Production: LEICA 100
Director: Jones+Tino
Production Company: Stink São Paulo http://www.stink.co
Gold Lion in Film Craft for Best Cinematography – 2015 Cannes Lions / Grand Prix for Film/Television – 2015 Cannes Lions / Graphite Pencil for Best Cinematography – 2015 D&AD / Golden Sun for Best Cinematography – F IAP 2015 / Gold Pencil for Best Cinema Advertising Long Form – 2015 One Show Film / Gold Pencil for Best Short Film/Broadcast and Moving Image – 2015 One Show Design / Silver Pencil for Best Video Craft/Direction – 2015 One Show Film / Silver Pencil for Best Craft/Direction – 2015 One Show Branded Entertainment / Golden Sun for Best Production – FIAP 2015 / Golden Sun for Best PSA – FIAP 2015 / Grand Prize in Television – FIAP 2015 / Grand Prix in Film Craft – 2015 Wave Festival
DOP Bjorn Charpentier on his camera and lens choice:
“Most of the film was shot on Alexa M with Movi 15 , (at that time the Movi Pro and alexa Mini was not on the market ) , because of the payload limit of the Movi 15 we could not use Leica lenses , it was to heavy for the gimbal . I love the Look of the original Cooke S2/S3 , they were rehoused by VanDiemen 1st generation , and those lenses are the most compact lightweight lens on the market
the cooke S2 have a very distinguished Look ,the glass is low contrast , it’s a soft lens on skin tones , sharp on the eyes , the way the sun hits the glass have a very natural veil , the flair is beautiful . those lenses have a lot of personality , and for me that was the right way for this commercial . the commercial says it all : The most iconic images in history, even the ones that weren’t taken with a Leica”