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The story revolves around a mischievous boy and a young monk, chasing and throwing colours at each other in Ladakh.

“The story revolves around a mischievous boy and a young monk, chasing and throwing colours at each other in Ladakh. This leads to a point where the monk boy unexpectedly bumps into an elderly monk, who then asks for the packet. Seeing the two petrified, the elderly monk  breaks into a smile and throws the colour at them. Everyone begins to celebrate the moment and play holi, depicting the fact that, its the little things in life that make you happy.”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: S7/i
Focus length: 25mm, 32mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Cameras: ARRI Alexa Mini LF
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Prime Focus

DOP Information
Director of Photography: Tapan Basu

Production Information
Production: EBIX Cash
Producers: Abhishek Notani & Napoleon Daniel Ammana
Director: Hemant Bhandari
Colourist: Xavi Santolaya
Production Company: Chrome Pictures Media LLP

DOP Tapan Basu on his camera and lens choices
“I keep experimenting with different lens combinations and camera bodies suiting the need for the particular project. This film is part of a bigger launch campaign of EBIX Cash and this was the first commercial of the series. A lot of pressure was on the production company and the director. This was shot in Ladakh during the month of February were the average temperature is minus 18 degree Celsius.

I have shot a lot of commercials and campaign with Hemant Bhandari over the years . Lot of his commercials involve shooting with kids and for this he wanted to cast non actors. We had only a day to shoot this commercial. The toughest part was the location itself and lack of oxygen in high altitude. While going through this script and location breakdown, I felt the best combination would be ARRI Mini LF and Cooke S7i . First I needed this film’s feel to be handheld and I wanted to stay very close to the characters.  Hemant loves close up of faces . I used a 25 mm for it most of the time . Cooke lenses are one of my favourites when it comes to skin textures and for colours as that was one of the most integral part of the commercial. The whole story is revolving around throwing of colours . Usually I add a lot of lens filters to soften it but with Cooke S7i I didn’t feel the need to go for it. We eventually shot the next 3 films of the campaign on the same lens . ”