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Bulgari Glam Rebel

Fashion Film Bulgari SS2020 Leather Goods And Accessories

“Fashion Film Bulgari SS2020 Leather Goods And Accessories”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i
Focus lengths: 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Camera: Alexa Mini / Phantom Veo 4k
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Moviechrome

DOP Information
Director of Photography: Michele Brandstetter de Bellesini AIC

Production Information
Production: Bulgari Glam Rebel
Producer: Veriana Visco
Director: Gianluca Manzetti
Colourist: Zed
Production Company: Think|Cattleya

DOP Michele Brandstetter de Bellesini on his lens choice:
“We had a visually strong concept based on wind, rain and lightning and an amazing cast, so it has been very exciting to build on top of that.
The client wanted a 16:9 output for distribution reasons, but i proposed Gianluca to shot with anamorphic lenses to give a cinematic and bigger than life character to the images.
Cooke was the first choice as they render human being faces in a so elegant way and i love the slightly magical aberrations of this series when used full open. ”