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The setting is that of a Japanese dojo, ring side in a boxing fight, with our hero player poised for battle.
“As football shoots are extremely quick having the ability to have light-weight glass with vintage qualities, modern housing and insanely close focus made the Cooke Panchro'i Classic's an obvious choice to be versatile.”James Killeen, DOP
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Panchro/i Classics
Focus lengths: 18, 25, 32, 40, 50, 75
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental company: Shift 4 https://www.shift-4.com
Director of Photography: James Killeen. http://www.jameskilleen.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jameskilleendop/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/jameskilleen
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameskilleendop/
Production Information
Production: Aston Villa – Kit Launch 2022 – Castore
Director: Olivier Richomme
Producers: Nicki Casey
Colourist: Paul Willis
Production Company: CRAFT WW https://www.craftww.com/
Post Production Company: Craft WW https://www.craftww.com/
DOP James Killeen on the lens of his choice:
“When Olivier showed me the treatment for this job I was extremely excited to shoot a low lit moody football kit launch but was worried about time. The treatment was extremely ambitious for what was effectively a media day with football players doing the old conveyor belt, in and out in 2 minutes and onto the next.
In pre-production we spoke of lens choice and Olivier was almost set on anamorphic glass. As football shoots are extremely quick having the ability to have light-weight glass with vintage qualities, modern housing and insanely close focus made the Cooke Panchro’i Classic’s an obvious choice to be versatile. We did a few tests over at Shift4 and it came down to a battle between the Panchro’s with the Classic’s pinching the win over the S2’s. The 32mm and 40mm came into heavy use with the majority of the shots being on those two primes, using the 32 for many of the close focus shots and the 40 for portraits.
The rich colour separation and textures of these lenses really added something to this spot. The results were warm and pleasing for a variety of skin tones, male and female, which made our premiere league players look great, and the way the lenses rendered the claret kit was really a thing of beauty allowing it to stand out as the hero of the piece.
These lenses can often be associated with period drama’s but they’ve been a go-to for me on commercial’s. They have a slight vignette and i’m into really it. I’ve seen they are now available in FF and can’t wait to get my hands on them.”