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This is a commercial for a film festival called Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest.
“This is a commercial for a film festival called Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest. Three were made under the moniker "short but deadly" and they are all spoofs on famous genre films. This one is called "Outpost Mars" and is a nod to Alien among similar sci-fi horror films out there.”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i SF
Focus Lengths: 50mm, 75mm, 100mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 1:2.5
Cameras: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Ljud & Bildmedia https://www.ljud-bildmedia.se
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Kenneth Ishii FSF http://www.kennethishii.com
Agent: Rockson http://rockson.se/cinematographers/kenneth-ishii/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenneth_ishii/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/kennethishii
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-ishii/
Production Information
Production: ELMSTA 3000 Horror Fest – OUTPOST MARS
Producer: Nicola Jones
Director: Robert Jitzmark
Colourist: Sabina Törnberg
Production Company: Camp David https://www.campdavidfilm.com
Post Production Company: MediaMonks https://www.mediamonks.com
DOP Kenneth Ishii on his camera and lens choices:
“I wanted to use anamorphic lenses for this film and preferably some with interesting flare, all in the good spirit of many sci-fi classics. I got a bit lucky because the rental company had just received a set of Cooke Anamorphic/i SF (Special Flair) and we became one of the first customers to try them out. I think they deliver a great balance between a high-end look and at the same time having their own character. Camera was the ever trustworthy Alexa Mini. ”