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Commercial for a major Croatian telecommunications company - A1
“Commercial for a major Croatian telecommunications company - A1”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus 1.8x
Focus lengths: ? TBC
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini LF
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Cineplanet http://www.cineplanet.tv
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Aleksandar Kosutic http://www.akdp.us
Agent: Froelich Management https://www.froehlich-management.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akos9/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/akosutic
Production Information
Production: A1 Switch
Director: Bruno Ankovic
Producer: Nina Petrovic
Colourist: Marina Starke
Production Company: Svenk https://www.svenk.hr/hr/
DOP Aleksandar Kosutic on his lens choices:
“I first laid my eyes the Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus lenses while I was on a previous shoot, when Igor, the owner of Cineplanet in Belgrade sent me a 35mm FF lens to try out. He had just gotten them in and was eager to show the new toys. I got our camera department in a bit of trouble that day as we spent the next 30 minutes playing with the lens while waiting for a lighting setup on the commercial we were working on. But I knew in the first five of those minutes that I have to use these lenses on the next job. And thankfully, the next job was the perfect fit for them.
The job was for A1, a Croatian telecommunications provider. The mission was to create a dynamic spot targeted at a younger audience, using visual metaphors to portray the word « switch ». From a cinematography perspective, Bruno Ankovic (the director) and I knew we wanted to use wide angle anamorphic lenses and place them close to the subjects in order to really give life to the action. And the FF lenses were perfect for the job. They provided us the most beautiful bokeh, on all focal lengths, even wide. The color rendition of these lenses was superb too, firther highlighted by our amazing colorist Marina Starke. The job was such a success, that in fact the client requested the same setup for their next three campaigns. I hapilly obliged and sure enough we are still using them on all the A1 campaigns. ”.