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Web commercial promoting banking services
“Web commercial promoting banking services”
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Cooke Panchro/ Classics
Focus lengths: 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 65mm
Non Cooke lens: Angenieux Zoom 24-290
Original Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Camera: Arri Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Whites https://whites.com
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Mikhail (Misha) Petrenko http://mpetrenko.com
Agent: Mantl Reps http://mantlreps.tv/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappyhippos/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/mikhailpetrenko
Production Information
Production: TD Cheque Please
Producer: Niel Bartley
Director: Aircastle
Production Company: Soft Citizen http://www.softcitizen.com
Post Production Company: Saints Editorial http://saintseditorial.com
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1504271/?ref_=nv_sr_4?ref_=nv_sr_4
DOP Mikhail Petrenko on their camera and lens choice:
“Love at first sight, this would be an accurate description of my relationship with Cooke Panchro/i Classic. Beautiful colour rendering, subtle fairytale-like softness to an image, away from rich contrast. I had a pleasure of using this set a number of times lately and the results are just outstanding, the latest TD spot is a good example. Working with the Aircastle team during pre production we wanted to create a visual language that would compliment the narrative arc of our hero and help the audience experience firstly her nightmare scenario and then her daydream, in a rapid succession of images.The look of Panchro/i Classics and good variety of wider focal length was just an ideal fit for this spot. ”