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Geisinger - What Make Us

:60 Hero "What Makes Us" Commercial for Geisinger Health

“:60 Hero "What Makes Us" Commercial for Geisinger Health”

Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: Anamorphic/i SF
Focus length: 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 65mm MACRO, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm, 180mm, 300mm
Original Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1
Cameras: ARRI Alexa Mini
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Alternative Rentals

DOP Information
Director of Photography: John Veleta

Production Information
Production: Geisinger – What Make Us
Director: Ze’ev Waismann
Colourist: Arianna Shining Star

DOP John Valeta on his lens choice
“I had seen the Cooke Anamorphic Special Flares used on A Star Is Born for the concert sequences- and after being told by Joe Lomba at Alternative Rentals that he had a set, I was curious how they would handle in a mostly outdoors environment given the quality of the flares they produce.  While they can be a bit temperamental in direct light and need some control to create pleasing flares and not wash out the image, I really did fall in love with the 65mm Macro.  It’s such a dynamic lens.   There’s a moment when you’re having a subject walk towards the barrel and instinctively you know that they should be inside minimum focus and yet the image stays sharp- it’s rather beautiful and novel to witness.  The 65mm is already a beautiful portrait length in 2x Anamorphic, so to add that special ability really brings something new to the screen.  I tried to use it as much as possible on this shoot and although that moment of approach never made it into the cut, it’s probably the main lens I used for any medium to close up shot.  I would highly recommend anyone curious to test out a set for their next project. «