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Muller Soffio commercial. Live action shot in Virtual Production.
“Choosing Cooke S8/i was the natural choice because it gave us the ability to have a sharp image even at full aperture but also a pleasing focus fall-off that made the integration between the subject and the virtual background organic and realistic.”Guido Mazzoni, Director of Photography
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: S8/i FF
Focus lengths: 18, 25, 32, 50, 75, 100
Camera: ARRI Alexa 35
Format: Digital
Director of Photography: Guido Mazzoni
Production Information
Production: Muller Soffio
Production Company: Haibun
Post Production Company: Resolute Studio
Producer: Cesare Fracca
Director: Andrea Marini
Colourist: Orash Rahnema
Rental house: Movie Chrome
DOP Guido Mazzoni on the lens of his choice:
We shot this commercial in Virtual Production at MovieChrome LED volume studio in Milano, Italy. The environment was designed in Unreal Engine in which was integrated an animation of coffe beans spinning around the model. To synchronize the animation with the camera movement we used a Bolt motion control.
Choosing Cooke S8/i was the natural choice because it gave us the ability to have a sharp image even at full aperture but also a pleasing focus fall-off that made the integration between the subject and the virtual background organic and realistic.
MovieChrome made the production smooth having already perfectly integrated the Alexa 35, the Cookes and the virtual environment so that the lens change did not take more than a few minutes.
We shot with 18mm and 32mm at full aperture and for the close-up with the 50mm at T/2.8 to retain more depth of field.