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In tribute to Michel Legrand.
In tribute to Michel Legrand. Original song : Les moulins de mon cœur (1969)
Ed Motta : voice and guitar
Sound engineer : Martin Descombels
Grading and supervising : Christophe Boula
Logistics : Henrique Saldanha, Stéphane Maurice
(c)2019 – Produced by Paramax Films
Lens/Camera Information
Lens series: S7/i
Focus lengths: 18mm, 50mm, 135mm
Camera: Red Monstro Full Frame 8K
Original Aspect Ratio: 1.77
Format: Digital
Rental Company: Sesama http://www.sesama.com/
DOP Information
Director of Photography: Adrien Gontier http://adriengontier.com/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adriengontier/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/adriengo
Production Information
Production: Ed Motta – The Windmills of your Mind (8K)
Producer: Amos Rozenberg
Colourist: Christophe Boula
Post Production Company Sesama http://www.sesama.com
Production Company: Paramax Films http://www.paramaxfilms.com
Distributer: Qwest TV http://www.qwest.tv
DOP Adrien Gontier on his lens choice:
“Cooke is a high-end optical brand and major for any director of photography, I have used in the past the Cooke S4i for S35 sensors.
For the intimate live project with Ed Motta on the fly boat of Paris, we should shoot with very few techniques on the boat that was small. So I chose to use a full format sensor like that of the RED monstro 8K associated with Cooke S7 / i which opens at T.2.0. The idea being to highlight the immersive aspect of the full sensor of the Monstro and use the S7 / i full aperture to highlight the character with the cooke look and isolate the bottom with incredible bokeh.
We wanted to test the flares and how they react to the change of focus, the Cooke S7 / i are known for very particular flares, so we made a very particular shooting at night, in extreme conditions, full aperture, few light little space, live, especially on the fly boats .. with spot lights that can create flare, and so we made changes in focus without stopping, it’s a live after all. At full openness, these optics offer at the same time a lot of precision but many beautiful surprises, flare and bokeh that we love to catch shooting. We always enjoy turning with this type of optics.“